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  • God is Good...All of the Time...And All of the Time God is Good. ....So if you want to find God, follow the ever expanding Good in your life and there you will meet the divine. If God is Great...then follow the Greater, the better, the Greatest Choice for your highest Good, and there you will meet the Divine.
    Jess Herriott
  • Psalms 12: "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from which cometh my help, my help cometh from the lord who made heaven and earth" ....This quote is a mystical attempt to rise out of the basic instincts of the amydila brain (fight/flight/fear/) and ascend into the higher pre-frontal brain. The hill is your skull.....Jesus was crucifed on "Golgotha Hill"...Golgotha means "place of the skull"....And it is believed that the skull of Adam was buried at the crucifixory point of Jesus because it is at the core ouf our humanity...where it meets the threshhold of the divine that we are crucifed and purified in order to become better than what we are. So lifting up your eyes is a meditative affirmation that pulls you out of the depths of your lower nature and into your "christ mind"....your "gnostic awareness" and into your "higher mind."
    Jess Herriott
  • John 20:22: "And Jesus breathed on his disciples" ......This quote is another mystical affirmation. Jesus did not breathe on his disciples, he breathed "WITH" his disciples because it is the breath, the holy wind, the cleaninsing power of life itself that reanimates our physical bodies. ...Just will get through "this" (whatever your "this" may be).
    Jess Herriott
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