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  • 'The stumbling, is the humbling...'
    Ananta Kranti
  • "You begin to recognize Love infuses everything. Your own heart is the wind, it is the trees, it is the earth. It is even in the conflicts which arise, in the pain that comes up. It is the storm, it is the open sky, it is totality. It excludes nothing and embraces everything. And in this embrace there is but one taste and that is the taste of Love."
  • The self is not an object. The self is a pointer
  • 3 questions pour se rendre la vie belle : Qu'est-ce qui est ? Qu'est-ce que je veux ? Qu'est-ce que je fais ?
    Isabelle Padovani
  • As long as we think there is something to get (or something we’ve gotten that we need to hold onto, or identify with, or remain ever-mindful of), we will suffer. When it is recognized that there is literally nothing to get and no one to get it, that is freedom.
    Joan Tollifson
  • "Every moment all cards are being reshuffled again"
    Vera Helleman
  • There is no spiritual life. There is just life.
    John David
  • At some point, realizations come to an end, and there is just openness. You keep walking through an open door, extending outward, endlessly. The exploration feels like it is always just beginning, and yet, the self remains the same. Sameness is exploring itself. Newness within sameness. Deepening, ever deepening, within sameness. There is depth to explore, vistas to see, experiences to have. And it is all occurring within the self. The self discovering itself.
    Susanne Marie
  • John 20:22: "And Jesus breathed on his disciples" ......This quote is another mystical affirmation. Jesus did not breathe on his disciples, he breathed "WITH" his disciples because it is the breath, the holy wind, the cleaninsing power of life itself that reanimates our physical bodies. ...Just will get through "this" (whatever your "this" may be).
    Jess Herriott
  • It's not that the body stops experiencing pain, it's that you stop experiencing the body.
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