The habit of always flowing out into thoughts, emotions and outer manifestation distract us from our natural self and the distractions seemingly cover this awareness. But all that it is happening is that attention has flown outward, chasing objects. In reality awareness has not gone anywhere. It is still the background, the perceiving of everything. Without awareness, you wouldn’t be aware of anything, including the distractions.
Enza VitaIn the lives of some, spontaneously, a deep feeling of desire to be whole, a burning to really understand life, stirs from within, and it is the Consciousness itself that produces this impulse to return to Source.
John GrenafegeBe courageous, and surrender to the unspeakable mystery that you are. Give yourself to this sublime Love, that is silently abiding in the depth of your heart.
PrajnaparamitaRealization is simply seeing things as they are without the overlay of imagination. Before 'awakening' things are as they are, and after 'awakening', the same. Only you, as the mind, drops the veils hiding reality. When this 'remembering' happens, (as you see that it was always already there), all that got imagined over time as life being something separate from you, gets to be reexamined and brought back home to the heart. This happens naturally and mysteriously. Why not see things as they are, right now? What are you waiting for? This is life's invitation. And you are life.
Susanne MarieWe can only long for what we know to be true, somewhere deep inside. The shift that happens when what we know to be true moves from the background (covered up by mind), to the foreground, reveals our birthright: that we are all of Life, and not separate from it. I call this remembering, as we remember what we are, in truth. We long for something already inherently known. Follow the longing back to its root, it is your home.
Susanne MarieIf there is anything worth serving, it’s this love. If there is anything worth being, it’s this love. If there is anything worth talking about it’s this love. If there is anything of real value it’s this love.
Kenny JohnsonEven after awakening, you’re still you! You will not go through a miraculous change and have a complete transformation of your personality.
Individuals that are normally sullen do not start running around smiling and laughing all the time. Neither does enlightenment mean that you won’t ever have troubles again.
You still need to work, keep your job, and pay your bills. You still have car problems, and your children will get the flu. You could still be passed up for that promotion at work, and your partner may forget your birthday.
Your friends will not look at you and say, “You look different today. Were you enlightened over the weekend?” Others will not necessarily recognize you as a special person, especially if they are your family and friends.
You don’t become a special, higher being. In fact, it’s the opposite. You realize you are the same as everybody and everything else.
Enza VitaIn [the state of so-called] ignorance, we contemplate the [incomprehensible nature of] Absolute, God, Oneness. In the state of realization, we contemplate [incomprehensible nature of] the world...
Igor KufayevThe "doer" is born with the arising of the thought "I did that."
Eric PutkonenTo move from the belief, I am something, to the understanding that I am nothing is a path of exclusion - I am not this, not this, not this. To move from the understanding that I am nothing to the all-embracing feeling-understanding that I am everything is a path of inclusion - I am this, I am this, I am…
Rupert Spira