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  • I’m interested in what you think is happening in this moment and what is actually happening in this moment. These are not the same.
    Darryl Bailey
  • We are the same. The only difference between you and me lies in the ever-changing perceived, not the never-changing perceiver. That perceiver is only One. The One that experiences itself as your body-mind is the same One that experiences itself in every other body-mind, form, or appearance that exists.
    Enza Vita
  • This ever present Grace supports me in each moment now.
    Kenny Johnson
  • Unconditional love is so unconditional that it even embraces our failure to love unconditionally.
    Jeff Foster
  • Psalms 12: "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from which cometh my help, my help cometh from the lord who made heaven and earth" ....This quote is a mystical attempt to rise out of the basic instincts of the amydila brain (fight/flight/fear/) and ascend into the higher pre-frontal brain. The hill is your skull.....Jesus was crucifed on "Golgotha Hill"...Golgotha means "place of the skull"....And it is believed that the skull of Adam was buried at the crucifixory point of Jesus because it is at the core ouf our humanity...where it meets the threshhold of the divine that we are crucifed and purified in order to become better than what we are. So lifting up your eyes is a meditative affirmation that pulls you out of the depths of your lower nature and into your "christ mind"....your "gnostic awareness" and into your "higher mind."
    Jess Herriott
  • "Tthe Truth knows what's needed."
    Steven Noomen
  • There is nothing wrong.
    Lynn Fraser
  • Seeing what is, as it is It is the I thought that is born; the actuality is we are birthless and deathless. There is no separation. There is no seer or seen, only seeing. There is no speaker, speaking simply happens, interactions happen. There is no doer yet activities seemingly happen. Our judgments and preferences colour the seeing, blinding us to the unfolding is-ness of the moment. Whatever is appearing is what is and is a manifestation of that energy which is pulsating and forming into the myriad of shapes and expressions. ~ Peter
    Peter Lawry
  • Let go of any tension against life. Let go of any distance between you and life. Let go of any fixpoint of yourself. Let go of anything you know. What you really are - remains.
    Pratibha & Kareem Krüger
  • "I express my creativity and practical sagacity through my philosophical, artistic, and scholarly works, all of which strive to express existence and its wonderments. At the heart of my teachings lies the insight that experience are  indivisible expressions of existence. However, the unexamined energies of routine and habit often control our thoughts, emotions, and actions, leading us to believe the false notion that we are disconnected individuals, separate from the external world and those around us. To challenge this misconception, I demonstrate that everything and everyone are expressions of existence with no inherent separation. This realization highlights the primary essence in which all things occur. Join me on a journey of captivating creativity, and experience the beauty and complexity of the human experience in a whole new way."
    James David
  • Donate to Meeting Truth

    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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Or email us at: moc.hturtgniteem@ofni
We'd be delighted to hear from you.
People sometimes ask if there is anything they can do to help. The answer is 'Yes please'; there are many ways you can help us, for instance, by helping teachers, venues and organizations to set-up their profiles and events, helping attendees set themselves up ready for webinars, proof-reading etc.
Some tasks take five minutes, others longer; some are one-off tasks, others on-going; all can be undertaken at home, mostly at a time to suit you. 


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We welcome all feedback; we're trying something new and know that we won't think of everything or get everything right first time. Therefore:
Use our support service by clicking the black 'Feedback & Support' tab on the left hand side of the page if you would like to ask us a question, recommend a feature or give us some feedback.
Or email us at: moc.hturtgniteem@ofni
We'd be delighted to hear from you.
People sometimes ask if there is anything they can do to help. The answer is 'Yes please'; there are many ways you can help us, for instance, by helping teachers, venues and organizations to set-up their profiles and events, helping attendees set themselves up ready for webinars, proof-reading etc.
Some tasks take five minutes, others longer; some are one-off tasks, others on-going; all can be undertaken at home, mostly at a time to suit you. 


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