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  • "There is no realization without honesty. Never fool yourself. When you do not accept yourself the way you are. When honestly you do not recognize the place where you are. When you prefer to identify with phrases learned. When you repeat words that do not come out of your heart. When you hide behind concepts that have nothing to do with your reality. When for you it is more important to pretend than to be. You are trying to free a puppet, a creation of your mind that will never be real. Accept yourself honestly, love yourself as you are, with humility, without fear. It's the only way."
    Luis de Santiago
  • Self-Realization is completely freeing, in the sense that you come to see that you – Consciousness – are already free.
    Martyn Webber
  • Life is play.
    Eric Putkonen
  • “I” reside behind and apart from thoughts
    Alon Halel Geva
  • In the light of awareness, our inherent wholeness is revealed.
  • The separate inside self always has a point of view. In fact, the separate inside self is a point of view. I, Awareness, however, have no point of view. I am the viewing.
    Rupert Spira
  • Separation is only a thought.
    Eric Putkonen
  • Life has its way
    Alice Hall
  • Whenever we feel confused or doubtful, it's a clue that we are lost in thoughts, trying to solve imaginary problems.
    Joan Tollifson
  • The love to explore yourself is the force that brings you home
    Pratibha & Kareem Krüger
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