Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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  • Our thoughts, interests, intentions and actions appear here in the same way that the breath, the wind, the clouds, the trees, and the galaxies appear here—the turbulent, stormy, overcast weather is as integral to this happening as the calm, clear, sunny weather, and none of it is really a problem.
    Joan Tollifson
  • In saying YES to the maximum of your capacity in any moment, what unfolds before you offers the potential for deep intimacy. The courage to get right up close to what is, turns you inside out so you become a naked lover of life.
    Amoda Maa
  • To move from the belief, I am something, to the understanding that I am nothing is a path of exclusion - I am not this, not this, not this. To move from the understanding that I am nothing to the all-embracing feeling-understanding that I am everything is a path of inclusion - I am this, I am this, I am…
    Rupert Spira
  • Whenever we feel confused or doubtful, it's a clue that we are lost in thoughts, trying to solve imaginary problems.
    Joan Tollifson
  • The way to bring what we want into being, is to be what we want to bring into being. Embody it, and breathe it into the world.
  • 'As long as you are chasing temporary experiences of happiness or comfort, you will suffer. Living with the endless cycle of 'getting it' and 'losing it' is just too painful and utterly exhausting. Eventually you have to acknowledge the truth of the way it is, even if it doesn't fit your ideas of how it should be. It is actually so much easier to live with the reality as it is, than endlessly dreaming.'
  • God reigns in our hearts as love.
    Kenny Johnson
  • The experience has to pass… give yourself up to what you ARE.
    Ananta Kranti
  • Whatever you want to do is exactly what the Self wants to do as you.
    Eric Putkonen
  • There is no Awareness without movement within Its own stillness. Consciousness is conscious of Itself because of Its inherent movement within. What is real or unreal here is indeed a matter of perception. Hence, the world is as you see it. Whatever you perceive, behold it tenderly; it is alive and throbbing with infinite possibilities of which you are but an expression of love in its pure potentiality...
    Igor Kufayev
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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Nonduality and Advaita meetings, satsangs and retreats

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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