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  • When mind learns to humble to silence to bow to stillness
 and rest 
in pure presence 
of what is
 grace flows 
into the pause 
and knowing 
    Clare Blanchflower
  • If there is anything worth serving, it’s this love. If there is anything worth being, it’s this love. If there is anything worth talking about it’s this love. If there is anything of real value it’s this love.
    Kenny Johnson
  • Mystery is the only certainty. Beyond belief, beyond doubt. Mystery is not ignorance, nor is it naiveté. It is not confusion, nor is it ‘hedging one’s bets’. It is absolute groundedness, wonder, childlike simplicity. Mystery is indestructible. It is not knowing…. and in that, knowing everything you need to know.
    Jeff Foster
  • The construction of the false self has got to be seen through in order to know the truth of Being. We do this by de-construction, stripping down to our bare essence. All the while what we are remains untouched. When we know ourselves as That, then this 'me' can be itself, innocent in it's persona, a sweet personal fragrance of That.
    Susanne Marie
  • The beauty of this invitation is that nothing needs to be changed, fixed, or eliminated. It is a non-dualistic, non-judgmental enquiry into our present being. Everything happens through the agency of awareness.
    Isaac Shapiro
  • If you really want to know that which is your own eternal true natural Self, first show you are worthy of that grace by being silent and refusing to continue being owned by a thought stream of delusion.
    John Grenafege
  • God make us perfect. It is our mind that see's imperfection.
    Rev. Sam J. Shelley
  • Silence is so palpable, it is capable of showing You to Yourself.
    Susanne Marie
  • “When we realize that who we are is formless awareness we begin to lose the fear of death. When this formless awareness realizes it is also form we begin to lose the fear of life.” ~ Loch Kelly
    Loch Kelly
  • The fear of life is the cause of all our anti-social, self-destructive, neurotic habits of behavior and relationship with one another, and with the earth itself. We have found that a simple act that we call looking at yourself washes away the fear of life and heals the mind of anyone who will try it just once.
    John Sherman
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