Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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  • As time goes on, understanding about the incredible depths of how Oneness is really everything deepens. It is the confusion, it is the murderer, it is the sublime beauty of a rainbow, it is all imagination, and it is stillness, pure reality where everything arises, out of. It is the pain body, and the resolution within.
    Susanne Marie
  • Beauty is the quiver within the heart of Consciousness. The throb of your own Awareness. The wave that comes out of your heart as perception Itself ‒ the throb of Shiva to behold its own magnificence…
    Igor Kufayev
  • Trying to allow this moment is like trying to allow a seedling to grow into an oak tree. Trying to fall in love is like trying to make your heart beat backwards.
    Jeff Foster
  • Don't sell your Freedom for a cake...
    Ananta Kranti
  • “Knowledge can make you a scholar, an interesting person, an excellent speaker, but it will not make you Divine! What is the use of so much knowledge if you don't know who you are? With Self-Realization all questions cease. The questions disappear along with the questioner! The more you fill up the mind, the more you will have to empty it. Knowledge is infinite and useless. Real Knowledge is Being!”
  • This is a journey for very few because it requires everything. Yet it offers everything. Eventually you realize that this world cannot touch you anymore. It can't kick you around anymore because now you sit in the seat of truth. You sit in the heart of love. You've faced all there is to face. And now all you experience is love, not love in the absence of pain, not love in the absence of fear, not love in the absence of anything, but love through absolutely everything."
  • Satsang is not about being guru and student, it is about the simple wonder of coming into the beauty and joy of meeting each other in truth.
    John Siddique
  • "We are looking for freedom from... which is an attempt to move away from what we don't like. But there is freedom in this very experience, without moving away." Scott Kiloby
    Deena Wade
  • You can't practice to become what you already are.
    Eric Putkonen
  • The RASA Blessing will accelerate your awakening far more than you thought possible. In just 3 hours a month from the comfort of your own home you can spiritually awaken and become fully enlightened (LOC 1000 as described in Ramaji's book "1000") in just 6 months or in a year at most.
    Ramaji and Ananda Devi
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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Nonduality and Advaita meetings, satsangs and retreats

Online Event Booking

Meeting Truth enables those called to awakened living to explore the events of many contemporary Non-duality, Advaita Vedanta and Direct Path teachers around the world, and to directly book a place on an event.

Meeting Truth makes it easy to organise and advertise an event, book onto an event or invite a teacher to your venue.

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