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  • I see myself as a catalysts, showing you what you arelady know but deny to yourself.
    Elio Marin
  • Know that the infinite intelligence, majesty, and emptiness of this grand ocean of existence are at the very core of every atom of your being.
    David Ellzey
  • Words, concepts, thoughts, on the surface of the ocean - but in the oceans depths, there is silence, always.
    Jeff Foster
  • The yoga of now is silence.
  • Thought itself reinforces the illusory "me" because most thought is self-centered and/or self-reflective.
    Eric Putkonen
  • The only path is the path of Grace. All is Grace.
    Imogen Webber
  • Along with self-growth, sharing what we know, what has worked for us, and what may help others live, laugh and Love more, is the purpose of adversity.
  • Ultimately, our quest for wholeness, our journey back to the Source, ends when we realize we are already there.
    John Greer
  • We are all born to fly. Instead, we sit on the branches afraid of the leap into the unknown but the unknown is where enlightenment lives. Our true nature is the unknown.
    Enza Vita
  • Existence is an inexplicable, vibrant, pulsing dance − an indefinable happening, simply happening. Do you live as that, or do you linger in conflicted fantasies of thought?
    Darryl Bailey
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