Meeting TruthSupporting the Nonduality community

For information and booking please contact Sjoerie: [email protected]


La Roseraie de Sacha

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Event Information

Weekly retreats with Prajnaparamita will take place at La Roseraie de Sacha, her Centre of awakening and natural living in the countryside of central France. There will be meditation and satsang with Prajnaparamita each day. These provocative, compassionate, direct and deeply moving gatherings are accompanied by meditation; a celebration of being and 
a prayer for all. Plenty of time will be given for quiet contemplation and walks in the exquisite nature of this sacred place.

NOW is the time to listen and to obey the call of the heart: Be still, relax, rest, and live Love, no matter what

Information and booking for 1 or more weeks: contact Sjoerie at [email protected]

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