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  • Don't identify with the problem, know that the identification is the problem.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • In the light of awareness, our inherent wholeness is revealed.
  • Our thoughts, interests, intentions and actions appear here in the same way that the breath, the wind, the clouds, the trees, and the galaxies appear here—the turbulent, stormy, overcast weather is as integral to this happening as the calm, clear, sunny weather, and none of it is really a problem.
    Joan Tollifson
  • Don't be afraid to be intimate with your gnawing aloneness - it is in deep intimacy with aloneness that the heart is broken open and the impossibility of being alone is realised.
    Jeannie McGillivray
  • “The sages of all times say that to realize the truth we need to return to the innocence of a child! Do you really believe that to become childlike is necessary to study super complex subjects for years in a row?”
  • "Mature and integrated spirituality IS not to project our light and darkness to anybody or anything in the outside anymore. Then we eventually can stand on our OWN feet, MEET on eye-level and LOOK for ourselves."
    Florian Schlosser
  • The lens of awakened consciousness has the capacity to narrow its focus down to a point, and becoming in the process, an ‘I’ thought, along with the experience of a separate sense of self. Consciousness also has the capacity to open its lens in ever wider increments in order to include more and more of itself, in this way knowing itself as the whole of existence. As consciousness narrows down its perception to a pin-point as it does with the ‘I’, it apparently has the capacity to have the experience of loosing itself there, in believing itself as truly separate; all the while, however, it is as wide as existence itself. Waking itself out of the dream of the ‘I’, once again, it knows itself as the whole, this time also while knowing itself as this separate ‘I’ sense. This is what is called resolving the paradox of duality. And embodiment is the process that ensues.
    Susanne Marie
  • There is one lfe we live and the other we die for.
    Rajiv Kapur
  • The experience has to pass… give yourself up to what you ARE.
    Ananta Kranti
  • You can't practice to become what you already are.
    Eric Putkonen
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