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  • Give attention only to Awareness and nothing else
    Alon Halel Geva
  • The habit of always flowing out into thoughts, emotions and outer manifestation distract us from our natural self and the distractions seemingly cover this awareness. But all that it is happening is that attention has flown outward, chasing objects. In reality awareness has not gone anywhere. It is still the background, the perceiving of everything. Without awareness, you wouldn’t be aware of anything, including the distractions.
    Enza Vita
  • The heart teaches in Stillness. Stillnes is your teacher. Everything will become apparent to you in this Stillness.
    OM C. Parkin
  • Nothing that is going on is personal.
    Eric Putkonen
  • The “now” is mind. Past, future and present are entirely conceptual. ~ Kalyani
    Kalyani Lawry
  • The meetings are an invitation to explore the functioning of consciousness and to investigate the unconscious patterns that determine our way of being in life.
    Florian Schlosser
  • “Enlightenment is a paradoxical phenomenon. You need to be committed to become enlightenment, and to do whatever is necessary to make it happen. But at the same time you can not force enlightenment to happen by sheer will. It is like the situation with happiness: you can not force happiness to happen, but you can create the right circumstances for happiness to happen. You need to be willing to die, to let go of your limited sense of “I”, to achieve enlightenment. I can feel a deepening thirst to die, to dissolve into the silence, in my heart and being.” ― Swami Dhyan Giten
    Swami Dhyan Giten
  • Awakening has nothing to do with you. It is totally unpersonal,.
    Emilia Hollander
  • God make us perfect. It is our mind that see's imperfection.
    Rev. Sam J. Shelley
  • Ultimately, our quest for wholeness, our journey back to the Source, ends when we realize we are already there.
    John Greer
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    Meeting Truth is an offering of the Heart; all work is carried out entirely without personal or corporate profit. Any donation you can contribute will go towards the continuous development and up-keep of Meeting Truth and is greatly appreciated; each donation truly makes a difference. Thank you for your support!

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