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  • The self is not an object. The self is a pointer
  • Seeing what is, as it is It is the I thought that is born; the actuality is we are birthless and deathless. There is no separation. There is no seer or seen, only seeing. There is no speaker, speaking simply happens, interactions happen. There is no doer yet activities seemingly happen. Our judgments and preferences colour the seeing, blinding us to the unfolding is-ness of the moment. Whatever is appearing is what is and is a manifestation of that energy which is pulsating and forming into the myriad of shapes and expressions. ~ Peter
    Peter Lawry
  • There is no Awareness without movement within Its own stillness. Consciousness is conscious of Itself because of Its inherent movement within. What is real or unreal here is indeed a matter of perception. Hence, the world is as you see it. Whatever you perceive, behold it tenderly; it is alive and throbbing with infinite possibilities of which you are but an expression of love in its pure potentiality...
    Igor Kufayev
  • What good news this is to know and be.
    Kenny Johnson
  • Love always returns for itself. Nothing is left behind, and when the return is done here, it continues to unite itself as others, because it is seen that there are no others.
    Susanne Marie
  • Nothing that is going on is personal.
    Eric Putkonen
  • Life, your body, the world and the universe are an experience to you in this moment. To recognize yourself as the space and the embrace of the experience of now, is living as unconditional love.
    Isaac Shapiro
  • Nonduality is the seeing through the dream of apparent separateness.There are no separate individuals or objects.
    Mandi Solk
  • Longing is a song consciousness sings to itself, in order to help it remember its way home. Trace the longing back to its source. It is a thin thread of truth extending its arm out to itself. Follow this thin thread backwards, retracing its journey from the known, back to the unknown, where it was birthed, where all things are birthed.
    Susanne Marie
  • At the core of each of us and within the essence of all life pulsates the energy and wisdom of creation. This wisdom knows what to do, this energy knows how to do it.
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