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  • HERE, not knowable as all encompassing, naked life-force is dancing as you. You are dance, energy and the unfathomable, silent primal ground.
  • No One gets this There is no awakening, no attainment, no getting it, no seeing-through, nothing, no thing. It’s not that you get answers - when the questioner ends, there are simply no questions, no-thing. ~ Peter
    Peter Lawry
  • “Enlightenment is a paradoxical phenomenon. You need to be committed to become enlightenment, and to do whatever is necessary to make it happen. But at the same time you can not force enlightenment to happen by sheer will. It is like the situation with happiness: you can not force happiness to happen, but you can create the right circumstances for happiness to happen. You need to be willing to die, to let go of your limited sense of “I”, to achieve enlightenment. I can feel a deepening thirst to die, to dissolve into the silence, in my heart and being.” ― Swami Dhyan Giten
    Swami Dhyan Giten
  • Whatever you want to do is exactly what the Self wants to do as you.
    Eric Putkonen
  • At the core of each of us and within the essence of all life pulsates the energy and wisdom of creation. This wisdom knows what to do, this energy knows how to do it.
  • We are not just conscious human beings. We are the Pure Limitless Consciousness itself, manifesting itself in the form of this universe. ‘Pure Consciousness’ is all there is. It is another name for the divine Being or Presence. It is the ultimate Reality, beginningless and endless. It is beyond time and space. It is one without a second, or indivisible oneness, yet it is the source of everything, the foundation of all what is manifested. It is Bliss. It is most Benevolent. It is beyond description though it has been formulated in diverse ways at diverse times by all the great religious traditions of the world, and directly known and experienced beyond words by the sages. It cannot be grasped by the intellectual mind, but can only be recognized as our True Nature through ‘no mind’, that means at the level of the Heart. The recognition of our True Nature or Self is the end of suffering.
    Swami Atmananda Udasin
  • Be courageous, and surrender to the unspeakable mystery that you are. Give yourself to this sublime Love, that is silently abiding in the depth of your heart.
  • For those who follow the Path of Knowledge (Jnana) or the teachings of Non-Duality (Advaita), there is no need to try to stop the modifications of the mind. We should just ignore the stream of thoughts and focus on the subject of all relative awareness, or awareness itself.
    Swami Atmananda Udasin
  • In evolutionary spirituality, we strive to awaken never for ourselves alone, but so that the world around us can become enlightened as a direct result of our own efforts.
    Andrew Cohen
  • When you judge yourself, you judge everybody.
    Ananta Kranti
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